Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted

You are free to disagree with me. I disagree with me often. You are free to choose your own course in life as long as you are okay with the consequences in this life or the next. What you are not free to disagree is what the Scriptures teach about God and the way we are to live our lives.

Ron Citlau writes as a friend and a someone who struggles, not as an enemy. He speaks out of his challenge of the things that are seemed to promise fulfilment actually prove to be obstacles to the same-sex attracted person in the gay identity, marriage or spiritual friendship. There is a thin line of playing with sin and not being affected by it. However, there are gifts provided that make living as the person with same-sex attraction.

I know that once I publish this review, there will be negative reviews and I am okay with it. However, I write as someone who has done his homework to educate myself on the issues facing people with same-sex attraction in an effort to minister them.

I did not get paid to write a review, either positive or negative, but I did receive a free book through Cross Focused Review in exchange for this review. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics

Because the resurrection is the center of Christian Faith, Satan will continue to attack it. The goal will remain the same, but the approach will be different. "The Ressurection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics" comes into scene to address the challenge. To illustrate the new challenge I am giving and example. If at one point the sceptics tried to find new ways to explain the empty tomb, for the new critics Jesus doesn't make it to the tomb at all. The book answers modern critics very well, but the language is not for the average reader. I did enjoy the book and I will rate it with four stars.

I am not paid for this review, but I did receive a free copy in exchange for a review by CrossFocusedReview.  I was not asked to write either positively or negatively about it.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Weird: Because normal isn't working

Christians are called to set apart from the world and live lives that honour God. They are called to be different, peculiar...weird (as Craig Groeschel suggests). Being like everybody else is not working or taking us anywhere. So, how about being a God kind of way.

Groeschel invites Christians to be weird in five areas: time, money, relationships, sex and values.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

90 days in John 14-17, Romans, & James

Timothy Keller & Sam Allberry. Explore by the book: John 14-17, Romans & James (Kindle). The Good Book Company.

I like Tim Keller a lot and is the author I have mostly read in the recent years. That is why I picked up this book for review. I was a little disappointed, but not because the book is bad. I don't use devotional books.

If your Bible study is done with the use of devotionals, you need this one. Brief and to the point, you will walk through these two books and fours chapters of John very well.

I can give the book four stars.

I got the book for free from Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for an honest review. 

Finding Forgiveness - Discovering the Healing Power of the Gospel

I just finished reading "Finding Forgiveness - Discovering the Healing Power of the Gospel" by Stanley D. Gale and published by Reformation Heritage Books.

The book deals with the theme of forgiveness very well. It rightly builds on the gospel as the basis for forgiveness. Everything we are to be as Christians we need to learn from the way God has forgiven us. Gale rightfully says that forgiveness is the currency of the kingdom. I thought that was a very good concept. He also deals a blow to those who would hold to "forgive and forget" and "forgiving ourselves". Neither one is a biblical concept.

Coming from a reformed tradition he quotes from Westminster Confession and Catechisms. He does so since they offer succinct summaries and they are available of public domain. Personally, I would have preferred less of these and more of Scripture, but the good is a good read. I have many highlights that have provoked some future sermons.

I will give to it 4 stars.

I got the book for free from Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for an honest review.